Release notes

Release Notes and Product Updates


We've added guest card details to the "Charge and close" button to reduce chargebacks.

Have you ever accidentally charged the wrong card when closing a guest's bill?

We’ve now added a card details dropdown to the Charge and close button on the Billing tab of the Customer management screen to:

  • Reduce chargebacks: Select the correct card when charging and closing a bill.

  • Minimize errors: The new dropdown list and confirmation dialog allows you to pause and consider before proceeding.

  • Cut down on extra steps: Close bills faster. View all cards attached to the guest's profile and select the card you want to charge directly from the Billing tab.

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To charge and close a guest's bill using the new card details dropdown:

  1. In Mews Operations, open the customer's profile.

  1. Go to the Billing tab. Locate the bill you want to settle.

  1. Click the Charge and close button.

  1. Select the correct guest card from the dropdown list.

Note: Mews only displays the Charge and close button when the guest has a payment card attached to their profile.

You can learn more about taking payments here.

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