Release notes

Release Notes and Product Updates


πŸ” Now enjoy a faster and simpler navigation experience in Mews Operations.

While our product teams are busy working on various features, we have updated the way pages open in Mews Operations to improve your navigation experience. Previously, certain pages in Mews Operations opened overlapping on one another. The overlapping pages gave a cluttered appearance making them difficult to find. This also caused speed and performance issues, increasing page loading times.

Now, all new pages open individually without overlapping, offering a clutter-free and more efficient experience with faster load times. This does not affect the usability of any pages and you can click the back arrow to return to a previous page at any time.

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What’s new:

  • Improved performance: Enjoy faster load times and smoother browsing.
  • Simpler navigation: Each URL now directly corresponds to a single page, making it easier to find what you need. 
  • Modern design: Experience a more modern and intuitive user interface. 
  • Consistent experience: Benefit from the same navigation design across Mews Operations. 
  • Better management of system capacity: Only active pages use system resources, such as memory or processing power, enhancing overall efficiency.  

You can view the new design in Mews Operations now.

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