Release notes

Release Notes and Product Updates


More data at first glance in the Availability & occupancy report.

To give you a complete overview of your operations and reduce your effort managing inventory and revenue, you can now view multiple bookable services within the Availability & occupancy report. We've made more information visible at first glance in the report. No more unnecessary clicks to get the data you need, which saves valuable time.

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The Availability tab of the Availability & occupancy report now displays four new types of information:

  • the number of available spaces,
  • the total number of spaces assigned to a space category,
  • the availability adjustment, and
  • the average rate for each date.

Just click on a cell to quickly view the detailed information and make any necessary adjustments to the selected space category for that date.

We’ve also improved the color shades to give you a clearer representation of the availability percentage. For example, the higher the availability percentage of a space category on a given day, the darker the color shade.

You can learn more about the Availability & occupancy report here.

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