Release notes

Release Notes and Product Updates


Kiosk app updates for improved security and increased control. πŸ”’

The Kiosk app has undergone a few changes to ensure greater data security for both guests and properties alike.

Image #1

The changes are as follows:

πŸ”Ή Kiosk app installations now default to 'Guest mode' instead of β€˜Admin mode’.

      • Guest mode requires users to enter their details in order to find their reservations. 

πŸ”Ή You can enable or disable "Allow admin mode" in the Kiosk configuration page. 

      • You can select the mode you prefer by holding the top left corner and selecting β€œswitch to admin mode” or "switch to guest mode".

For more information on the Kiosk app, read our guide here.

Note: For iOS users, the 'guest mode' needs to be enabled before 'guided access' can be switched on and the device can be left unattended.

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