Release notes

Release Notes and Product Updates


πŸ” An improved reservation flow for requested and assigned space category in Mews Operations!

Introducing an update to the Requested space category reservation flow in Mews! We’ve replaced the Requested category section in the Properties view with the new Assigned category section.

Previously, when changing the requested category, the system inconsistently updated the space assigned category, potentially causing space overbookings.

The new Assigned category section gives you more control over the process. You can now manually edit space categories within reservations as well as update the price. This helps you to efficiently manage both reservation upgrades as well as downgrades.

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What’s new

  • You can change the reservation space assigned category with the option to update the requested category and the reservation price. When you choose to update the requested category, Mews automatically aligns it with the selected assigned category, ensuring accurate reservation details.

  • If the reservation belongs to an availability block, Mews updates the block availability accordingly.

  • Mews now identifies potential space overbookings and displays relevant system messages to help prevent overbooking issues.

  • To downgrade the assigned category, you need to update the requested category.

You can learn more about changing reservation details here.

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